Simplify Pentest Planning, Reporting, and Findings Delivery with C4PO
What can it do
for you?
What can it do
for you?
- Great starting point for beginners
- Easy way to do pentests without prior knowledge of hacking
- Designed to avoid "Analysis Paralysis"
- Central overview and organisation of pentests
- Saves money compared to hiring third-party pentesters or tools
- Completely open-source under the Apache-2.0 license
- Accelerate your pentest delivery to better serve clients
- Boost margins by slashing report creation time
- Automatically build actionable reports
Setup the application in a few seconds for your environment!
Simplify the Pentesting Life Cycle
Security-C4PO is an open-source web-application for managing and documenting penetration tests. This tool allows a security tester to keep track of the testing progress according to the OWASP Testing Guide. This application aims to make the offical Testing Guide more actionable to work with.
C-3PO was designed as a protocol droid intended to assist in etiquette, customs and translation.
The Security-C4PO app does the same thing for penetration testers whilst taking great inspiration from official testing guides, hacking best practices and industrie standards. ”

Read our pentest report!
Read an example report from our Juice Shop pentest and see how it would look like for your future pentests.